Friday, October 10, 2008

My 2nd crack at blogging

Well, my last feeble attempt at blogging went up in flames. Before I moved to Argentina I had high hopes of becoming a blog-stress extradinaire, regaling my friends at home in a high tech fashion. Unfortunately, my one and only blog was posted from the Houston airport ( ....seriously, it was pathetic), but I am hoping that my blogging career will rise like a phoenix.

I'm writing from my godmother's kitchen in Baltimore, MD. Why, pray tell, am I in B-more, home of 'dem O's and natty bohs? Well, gather 'round and I'll tell y'all...

After a summer of being a legitimate young professional, I decided that I had grown old before my time and decided to take to the streets with my best friend, Bailey, who took a hiatus from her promising career as jewelry peddler to copilot "the beast" (my trusty ol' tahoe) around our great nation. So, last Saturday we headed out of the great state of Texas, headed north with Montreal as our final destination before we head south again (you can read about our trip on her blog, too...ehhhh I can't think of the name but will post it later).

So, we now find ourselves (well, I find myself...Bails just jumped on the train for New York) in Bawlmer, MD, my hometown. Great place, full o' Baltimorons. It's been a trip visiting my old haunts and seeing May May (who is in nursing school at Hopkins). Tomorrow Mayzr, Stewart (my old childhood friend), and I will attempt to navigate this ship through the treacherous streets of Manhattan...wish us luck!

Will keep y'all posted as we head up to ye old...

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