...I decided purple is the color of wedded bliss...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
My 1st Bong and Oh So Much More...
Well, friends, here we are in Savannah, Geoooaagiaaahhh, land of mossy-ness and Paula Deen, Queen of Buttah-and-all-things-fried. It has been a while since I last updated, but I'll share some highlights...
Montreal turned out to be uber trendy. Our hotel, which we thought was a lovely quiet boutique moment, turned out to be a be-boppin discoteque full of French speaking Canadians clad in black. Who knew Canadians were so trendy? I hate to admit my ignorance, but I thought that Canadians mostly wore snow shoes and traded beaver pelts, but it turns out that our northern neighbors have waaaaaayyy upstaged us in terms of the cool factor.
I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but Bails and I have turned our delightful chariot/mobile home into a scrapbook on wheels. The back is covered in bumper stickers which are a bit too heavy on the representation of Tennessee and Vermont, the only states with real pride and well-stocked gas stations. So, in Montreal, we were on the hunt for something to stick next to our Ben and Jerry's "If It's Not Fun Why Do It?" sticker. I was twirling the postcard rack in a souvenir shop when all of the sudden I bumped something, which bumped another something, then another, and so on, until there was a pile of shattered BONGS on the floor. I ask you, if you have a rack that twirls, shouldn't you ensure that it has the freedom to do the very task God intended it to do, ie, TWIRL?! More importantly, what souvenir shop sells bongs?! After an intense stand-off with the French Canadian man behind the counter, I ended having to, yes, buy a bong. My first and last. But, I tell you, I don't blame myself, I blame Canada.
After Montreal twas on to Niagara Falls. (Driving from Montreal to Niagara for the day is like driving from Houston to Disney World for the day...the valet man at our hotel in Montreal's reaction to our plan: "You girls are nuts.") I must say, the falls were cool to see, but the whole thing was a bit odd...we determined it to be a 1950s casino on an Indian reservation.
After spending the night with Bails' darlin friend, Jo, in Syracuse, NY (our college tour continues!), we drove down to Philly to stay with my best friend, Berkley, from Baltimore days of yore. Philadelphia is a very cool town full of streets with names like "Passyunk" and "Moneauk"...could never live there, I would never be able to find a darn thing with crazy talk like that. I also would die of a heart attack from Philly cheesesteaks, which we Berkley taught us to order with "whiz" or "no whiz" and "with" or "without"...ie, yes or no to cheese whiz and onions...we got "whiz with" after Bezerkley assured us that the cheese whiz was the authentic kind out of the aerosol can.
Last night we were in Chapel Hill, NC with my friend, Charlotte, from Buenos Aires. It was SO great to see her...we forced her to snuggle up and watch Enchanted and drink wine with us...scrumtrulescent!
Today we went to Charleston, SC but not before stopping at THE most bizarre place on earth, Dillon, SC. Dillon is one mile south of the NC/SC border and boasts an amusement park aptly named "South of the Border," which is actually a small town based on a highly un-PC stereotype of a Mexican man named "Pedro." (As if that is not enough, the town also features a mock African village, just to ensure that all marginalized cultures are properly insulted.) While horrible, South of the Border is also wildly entertaining, and a definite highlight of the sojourn so far.
Charleston was beautiful. I would love to go back and spend some more time there. We spent a few hours there wandering around. Talk about a place that knows how to preserve it's history...I gave it Flav's Stamp of Approval...no need to tar and feather any tacky developers in that town!
Then we moved on to Savannah, where we are now, staying with my best camp friend, Audrey, from when I was ages 8 thru 13...blast from the past! The first time we met she was an 8 year old Linda Richmond from Coffee Talk impersonator, giving me advice on things like Ace of Base (I was listening to musical soundtracks exclusively at that age). I have a feeling Savannah might be new favorite spot, right up there with Boston, but I'll keep y'all posted...
You know you love me,
gadabout girl
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bon nuit from Montreal!

So, here we are in Montreal! After two weeks on the open road, we have reached our northernmost destination!
We left Boston yesterday after lunch. We had gone to check out Harvard, whereupon Bailey rekindled an old friendship with a long lost boarding school-er whilst I got incredibly lost roaming the streets of Cambridge in search of them. I later got us both incredibly lost trying to get out of Boston...we circled the city about three times before we finally made it out. (I ask you, who names all of the loops in a city basically the same thing? 90? 95? 93? 495? Seriously?!) Bails really harnessed her chi and did not kill me, but, needless to say, my navigating privileges have been revoked. Bailey now reigns as head navigatress and I have been demoted to mere captainette. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
After Boston we headed up Vermont way, where maple syrup flows like wine. The drive was ab-so-bloomin-lutely amazing. The mountains were gorgemoso. Am I the only fool who has been kept in the dark about the majesties of the green mountain state?! Mountains and other natural wonders, Ben and Jer, maple syrup, friendly folk...who's been keepin this place a secret for so long?!
We got to Burlington (home of coat factory and also UVM, which apparently means University Verde Monte, not Uni Ver-Mont) at dinnertime. The city is very cool and full of crunchy granola and college types. Lots of Patagonia and dreadlocks walking around. We stayed with some girls who are in school at UVM and very cute and friendly and oh mah gawd were we in heaven staying in a girl's apartment! Our other hosts were lovely, but it was great to be in an apartment with about fifty million products. I used about ten different kinds of conditioner in the shower...my hair is now silky and smooth!
Today has been quite the magical one. We woke up, went to break-y (gingey bread pancakes? yes please!) with our hostesses with the mostesses and then headed out in the drizzle (yuck but cozy at the same time) to Ben and Jerry's. MA-GI-CAL. I don't even know how to describe the joyousness that is the Ben and Jer Factory...hmm...if Willy Wonka had a meetings of the minds with a hippie, this would be the fruit of their labor. I half expected to see wee orange men with green hair cartwheeling about and singing "oompa loompa doompity do..."
After our trip to see Ben and Jer, we headed up to Stowe, location of the Von Trapp Family Lodge, closest I've been in my Sound of Music stalking mission so far (next stop: Salzburg). And let me tell you, the hills were alive! I could just picture Fraulein Maria spinning about in mountain or Leisl yelling "WEEEEEEEE!"
After a car ride of serenading each other to the Sound of Music soundtrack (we both know every word...I was tempted to ask her to be Rolf during "Sixteen Going on Seventeen," but I don't think she would let me boss her around the way I used to MayMay when I would force her to put on plays with me..), we hit the Canadian border. Things weren't looking so great during our run in with a salty border patrolman (I don't know why I expected it to be more a Frances McDermott in Fargo character, but it most definitely was not). Fortunately, I think the moving mountain of junk that is the beast on wheels discouraged him, and he sent us through (without stamping our pasaportes, I might add...when did this whimsical tradition fall by the wayside? Vive la stamping of passports!).
Following the French signs to Montreal was no easy feat for a couple of Texicans, but we made it out of the cornfields in one piece. We just got here, so I can't make an accurate judgment quite yet, but I think I'm gonna like it here (name that tune!). I'll keep ya posted!
Bon nuit et bisoux!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pahking the cah in Hahvahd yahd
Oh how can I even begin to describe my love for Boston? Verily I say unto you, as far as cities go, it is wicked pissaaah (yah, that's right, just picked up a bit of Boston lingo, means "super cool")!
We got in yesterday after a trip to Providence, which is also one of the cooler cities I've ever been to...with Brown and RISD right there, I guess it was inevitable that it would become hipster haven. I can only imagine how well American Aparel must do in that ciudad. After Provi twas on to Bahston. Let me tell you, MUCh more difficult to drive here than in NYC! had a little pahking mishap involving my front bumper and someone elses cah...as the Boston folk say, *&@*&#!
We stayed with Stewart's friend, Matt, who very kindly let us crash on his couch. By the time we got here I think Stewart was about to kill us (too much girl time, methinks) so we split off to do a little retail therapy/wander and let them do their thaaaang. Walking around Boston was a blast...the architecture is amazaing...truly is my new fav place...reminds me a little bit of DC, but the whole city is like a ginormous Georgetown with mucho mas accion...basically, I'm in love. If you can't find me, I stayed here.
Highlight of Boston experience so far: RED SOX GAME! ummm...what can I even say about Fenway Park? Pretty freaking awesome! It was so small and the balconies all had these American flag things on them (I think called bunting...?) and, of course, all Sox fans decked in red and blue...could I have felt more americana?! Prob not. We enjoined some delish fenway franks and cracker jacks, but were delighted to find that they also serve clam chowdah and hot chocky at the stadium. Gotta love Boston!
We also had the good fortune to sit next to a lifelong Sox fan who became convinced that Bailey was from South Boston...a little preview of what I'm sure is to follow on her blog, "You'ah a f*(&*@#!@ Southie giahl! You'ah a mic!" Needless to say, I think it was Bailey's shining moment.
Today we woke up (late) and headed over to Cambridge, Mass, from whence I writeth. Hahvahd is gorge and Cambridge is very cute. Next it's on to Salem and then to pick apples, then up Vermont way...I hope the von Trapp family is waiting for us in dirndls and leiderhosen! By our calculations, it should only take four hours to drive to VT...hopefully we won't have another run-in with deceptively large mountains...
Love and miss y'all! Updates to follow...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ramblin On

Well, I can officially declare victory over the blogosphere...post #2...yippeeee! As I write I am lying with Bailey and Stewart in a very male (despite the reported one gal roommate) apartment in New Haven, CT...I'll give y'all a visual: family guy poster, about fifty empty Heineken mini-kegs, and some rather unsavory bathroom reading. We are, though, quite the grateful drifters that these studious young Yale folk have taken in we aimless wanderers.
We left NYC this morning bright and early after a great weekend visiting our long lost friends. Gotta love NYC, so much hustle and bustle and trendy young hipsters. We headed up to Kent, CT, home of the Kent School, Bailey's (almost) alma mater. It was gorgemosa...the trees up thar are just a-blaze in fall foliage style. We had lunch at a wee tavern there called the Fife and Drum, whereupon Stewart decided it would be wise to not only take his delicious coleslaw to go but then to careen around some hair pin turns, sending it flying, mayonaise, cabbage, and all, across the car and into my hair and lap...yummmmmmmyyyy...
After Kent we headed south to Fairfield (seriously, CT is amazing...it takes mere hours to cross the entire state, unlike the Blue Ridge Mountains, which are deceptively large for map novices), probably one of the cutest towns in the world. Bails rekindled the flame with her old college roomie, Stina.
After Fairfield it was on to New Haven...as part of Mission Freedom (aka, Save Stewie) we forced to Stewart to let us impose on his old high school friend...he is slowly but surely learning how to follow his bliss and lovin' it...either that or about to run far far away from the likes of us, not too sure about that...sooooo the high school friend (Davis) put us up in his friends' apartment, from whence I writeth.
New England is glorious (much like Blue)...there is some serious lush verdure foliage (miss ya Mayzaaa)...tomorrow we're off bright and early (we are catchin' serious worms up in these here parts) to Boston via Providence...ahh the glories of being able to reach a whole new town in mere hours!
PS- I saw the picture above in a coffee table book (my fav form of literature) last nite and am in fear that we increasingly resemble this man...the photo (Avedon) is called "Drifter"...
Friday, October 10, 2008
My 2nd crack at blogging
Well, my last feeble attempt at blogging went up in flames. Before I moved to Argentina I had high hopes of becoming a blog-stress extradinaire, regaling my friends at home in a high tech fashion. Unfortunately, my one and only blog was posted from the Houston airport (lauraenargentina.blogspot.com ....seriously, it was pathetic), but I am hoping that my blogging career will rise like a phoenix.
I'm writing from my godmother's kitchen in Baltimore, MD. Why, pray tell, am I in B-more, home of 'dem O's and natty bohs? Well, gather 'round and I'll tell y'all...
After a summer of being a legitimate young professional, I decided that I had grown old before my time and decided to take to the streets with my best friend, Bailey, who took a hiatus from her promising career as jewelry peddler to copilot "the beast" (my trusty ol' tahoe) around our great nation. So, last Saturday we headed out of the great state of Texas, headed north with Montreal as our final destination before we head south again (you can read about our trip on her blog, too...ehhhh I can't think of the name but will post it later).
So, we now find ourselves (well, I find myself...Bails just jumped on the train for New York) in Bawlmer, MD, my hometown. Great place, full o' Baltimorons. It's been a trip visiting my old haunts and seeing May May (who is in nursing school at Hopkins). Tomorrow Mayzr, Stewart (my old childhood friend), and I will attempt to navigate this ship through the treacherous streets of Manhattan...wish us luck!
Will keep y'all posted as we head up to ye old...
I'm writing from my godmother's kitchen in Baltimore, MD. Why, pray tell, am I in B-more, home of 'dem O's and natty bohs? Well, gather 'round and I'll tell y'all...
After a summer of being a legitimate young professional, I decided that I had grown old before my time and decided to take to the streets with my best friend, Bailey, who took a hiatus from her promising career as jewelry peddler to copilot "the beast" (my trusty ol' tahoe) around our great nation. So, last Saturday we headed out of the great state of Texas, headed north with Montreal as our final destination before we head south again (you can read about our trip on her blog, too...ehhhh I can't think of the name but will post it later).
So, we now find ourselves (well, I find myself...Bails just jumped on the train for New York) in Bawlmer, MD, my hometown. Great place, full o' Baltimorons. It's been a trip visiting my old haunts and seeing May May (who is in nursing school at Hopkins). Tomorrow Mayzr, Stewart (my old childhood friend), and I will attempt to navigate this ship through the treacherous streets of Manhattan...wish us luck!
Will keep y'all posted as we head up to ye old...
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