Wednesday, March 11, 2009

She works hard for the money

Though our rock wall is now finished, the office is still a construction zone, so I "worked from home" today.  Has anyone had experience with this "working from home" business?  If anyone has had success with this strategy, I am impressed with, nay, I am in awe of, this person.  Truly, can it be done?  

"Working from home" for me looks a little bit like this: wake up, walk around in circles, eat breakfast, walk around in circles some more, stare at the computer, go on a hike, stare at the computer some more, walk around in circles some more, eat lunch, stare at the computer, read Texas Monthly/Rolling Stone/Vanity Fair, walk around in circles, eat a snack, stare at the computer, realize, oh shit, it's five o'clock, I should start "working from home" now, stare at the computer with a sense of purpose.  I have now been in this final phase for an hour and a half, and am about ready to call it a day.  Does this count as a successful attempt at "working from home?"  Methinks I need a bit more practice...or maybe a little hit of adderall...

Luckily, I don't think my bosses will flog me for not having accomplished a terrible amount of work today.  This is one of the perks of my current j-o-b.  There are many perks, which I call a good thing, especially given that I get paid veeeeeerrrryyy little.  Weezer mentioned the other day that she got paid $500 a week when she started out her residency.  Oh, one can dare to dream!  $500 a week?!  That sounds pretty good to this little lady...and that's what Weezer got paid 30 years ago, pre-inflation.

To supplement my meager income, I have decided to get a part time job.  My first thought was Whole Foods.  Here are my reasons for setting my sights on Whole Foods:

a) people still need to eat food during recessions, so grocery stores are probably still hiring
b) grocery stores have to open early and close pretty late, so I could probably work early morning and evening shifts, allowing me to work during the day at Metanoia
c) Whole Foods has health benefits, which I do not currently have and a fact which makes me nervous all the time...every time I get in my car I say to myself, "Self, do not get in a wreck, because if you get injured, you are seriously up a creek"...perhaps I should be focused on the more obvious reasons to avoid injury
d) my cousin, Susie, says there are cute boys at Whole Foods, and meeting cute boys is never a bad thing, even if they are the dreadlocked crunchy granola type, or really, I should say, especially if they are the dreadlocked crunchy granola type

I was excited to see online that the new Whole Foods in Venice is hiring and eagerly submitted an application.  At the very least I'll get an interview, I thought.  When I hadn't heard back in a few days, I marched my little self into the store to apply in person.  An overly-pierced cashier told me that you can't apply in person, you have to do it online.  Damn.  What is the world coming to when you can't charm your way into a job?!  Being charming is just falling by the wayside.  Not only can you not charm your way into a job, radar cameras make it impossible for a gal to charm her way out of a traffic ticket.  I don't like it, I tell you, not one little bit.  

Well, even though I had little confidence in this online system, I resigned myself to it.  I even began to pep myself up a little bit.  I mean, my resume is pretty dece.  Or so I thought.  I just got an email from Whole Foods saying that I don't have the qualifications to fill the position.  Seriously?!  So much for that college edumacation!  What's it gonna take for a gal to get a job stocking grocery shelves?!  I guess Whole Foods is kind of the Ivy League of grocery stores.  Looks like I'm going to have to lower the bar a little bit.  Maybe the 711 is hiring.  Now that'd be a job with perks...minimum wage plus free slurpees would be a significant raise.

Friday, March 6, 2009

LA LA land

Well, after a many month hiatus and what I can only describe as shoddy at best bloggage pre that, I have decided to pick up where I left off.  Ever rambling, I now find myself in LA.  In January I once again packed up the ol' Tahoe, which, if one could receive mail to an automobile, would basically be considered my primary address, and hit the road.  With stars in my eyes and dreams of taking show biz by storm, I set off on my next big adventure. 

I have now been out here for two months, working at a company called Metanoia Films (run to Blockbuster and rent "Bella").  In what capacity, you might wonder, am I working for the aforementioned production company?  What skills do I bring to the table out here in Hollywood?  Well, a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll ask you kindly take a gander at the climbing wall displayed above.  You're probably thinking to yourself, 'What a good lookin' rock wall...sure wonder what kind of skilled technician installed that g'lookin monstrosity of an excercise outlet in that office.'  Well, my friends, you're lookin at her.  That's right.  Four years of college earned me a job as a laborer, mixing cement, climbing around on scaffolding, and building a 30 foot climbing wall in the middle of the Metanoia Films office.  Now that it's finished, only the good Lord knows what my next Metanoia task will be...I'm just praying it's something that doesn't require me to hang 30 feet from the ground wielding a drill or concrete sander.

Truth be told, I've been loving life on the left coast so far.  The good people of Metanoia are just that, buena gente.  I've been living with my aunt, Weezer, while I get my feet on the ground and see if this LA gig "takes."  Life with Weezer  makes for constant entertainment.  For example, I was sick this weekend and stayed in on Friday night (watching "Reality Bites"...for anyone reading this who is also 23 and drifting, do NOT watch this hits waaay to close to home at this particular juncture and will just make you feel full of slack).  The Weezer and I were just sitting there, chatting, when all of the sudden she heard some rustling in the driveway and looked outside to see a group of about four 16 year old boys in her driveway (which is gated off from the street).  The girl next door was having a birthday party, so there were tons of kids on the street.  Well, Weezer obviously would have preferred that they stay on the street, and just let those boys have it.  Seriously, y'all, I never in all mah life heard such an impressive display of blasphemy.  I can only imagine that those little hoods never expected such language out of their friend's fine upstanding neighbor.  Needless to say, staying in was worth the show!

Stay tuned for more tales from the left coast!  Miss y'all!